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Searching "Acoustic Guitar Preamps"...

...from "Radial" at zzounds.com:

Name Radial PZ-Deluxe Acoustic Preamp

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Description The Radial PZ-Deluxe is a studio quality instrument preamp that jam-packs a full array of features into a compact pedal for live stage use.
List Price $250.00
Sale Price $199.99  (20% off!) 
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Name Radial Tonebone PZPRE Acoustic Instrument Preamp

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Description The Radial Tonebone PZ-Pre is the most powerful acoustic preamplifier ever to be put inside a pedal. And by say acoustic, that does not just mean acoustic guitar; it means ANY acoustic instrument including banjo, violin, cello, mandolin, contrabass, bouzouki or lute.
List Price $400.00
Sale Price $299.95  (25% off!) 
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