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Searching "Guitar Distortion Effects"...

...from "T-Rex" at zzounds.com:

Name T-Rex Hobo Overdrive Pedal

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Description The Hobo Drive from T-Rex Effects is a spectacular overdrive pedal that's built to put you firmly in the driver's seat. Hobo Drive is so configurable and so gorgeous sounding, it's hard to imagine that no one has thought of it before.
List Price $369.00
Sale Price $279.00  (24% off!) 
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Name T-Rex Moller Classic Overdrive Pedal with Clean Boost

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Description Moller is a classic overdrive pedal that provides a wealth of dynamic overdriven tones with superb tonal control, as well as separate transparent 0-20 db adjustable and switchable clean boost, and a unique overdrive/clean mix option.
List Price $369.00
Sale Price $279.95  (24% off!) 
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Name T-Rex Mudhoney II Distortion Pedal

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Description The T-Rex Mudhoney II Distortion is now even more deliciously dirty. Dirty and sweet, this classic dual distortion pedal has been praised for its amazing tonal range and ability to deliver everything from a smooth dirty edge to a harrowing wall of distorted sound. It's one of first pedals T-Rex produced, and it set the standard for many T-Rex pedals to come.
List Price $369.00
Sale Price $279.00  (24% off!) 
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Name T-Rex Spindoctor 2 Overdrive Pedal

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Description Musicians and music equipment reviewers were astonished when T-Rex Effects released their original SpinDoctor, a tube-driven preamp stomp box with 4 programmable channels, a full set of tone controls, motorized knobs and gorgeous vintage tone.
List Price $799.00
Sale Price $599.00  (25% off!) 
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Name T-Rex Tonebug Distortion Pedal

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Description Tonebug Distortion is a phenomenal-sounding pedal that delivers gobs of rich, tubey-sounding distortion you'll recognise instantly as a fundamental ingredient of classic guitar rock. And it couldn't be easier to use. A simple Gain knob lets you choose how dirty you want to get, while a Tone knob lets you tune the timbre of your distortion - from a muted bluesy crunch to a searing wail that'll slice through anything in its way.
List Price $125.00
Sale Price $69.95  (44% off!) 
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Name T-Rex Tonebug Fuzz Pedal

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Description Of all the effects that can really make an electric guitar solo really stand out, fuzz is clearly the king. Insanely dirty, but also soft and creamy, fuzz differs from distortion by being far more extreme - boosting the guitar's signal until it clips so much, it turns from a sine wave into a square wave.
List Price $125.00
Sale Price $69.95  (44% off!) 
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Name T-Rex Tonebug Overdrive Pedal

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Description ToneBug Overdrive is a masterpiece of simplicity, offering just the controls you need to give your sound the unmistakable warm edge that's the hallmark of every guitarist that's ever meant anything to rock and roll. You get a Gain control for setting the amount of overdrive, a Tone control for tuning the timbre of your gain, and Level for making sure your overall volume is right. It's neither more nor less than everything you need.
List Price $125.00
Sale Price $69.95  (44% off!) 
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Name T-Rex Tonebug Totenschlager Distortion Pedal

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Description If you play metal, hard rock, industrial or any other type of music where distortion rules supreme, do yourself a favour and plug in to Totenschläger. It's a little black box of fire-breathing distortion you'll never want to live without, once you've heard what it can do.
List Price $125.00
Sale Price $69.95  (44% off!) 
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